The Perils of Passivity: What you think – you ARE
We hinted at it last week when we talked about being positive… but it’s worth spending a little more time on!
Your mind is a powerful thing. I’m not talking about Uri Gellar spoon bending stuff. I’m talking about the fact that what you think about affects your actions and your behaviors.
What we need is mind-control – more accurately – self-control.
If you think about something, you’ll be drawn to it. That hot girl at work? Fantasize about her, and you’ll be drawn to her. That cigarette? That donut? Yeah.
Thoughts pop into our head, and then we chose to reject them, or entertain them.
“Sit down and stay awhile! Have a cup of coffee!”
I guess what we need to do is treat some of our thoughts like door to door salesmen. If someone comes to your door and asks if he can come inside and throw some dirt on your floor to demonstrate his vaccuum cleaner – you would probably tell him “No thanks! See you later!”
And yet – if a friend stopped by with a meatloaf and wanted to visit – we’d say “Come on in!”
We need to stop being PASSIVE about what thoughts can take residence in our head.
Here’s a good checklist.
Is it true?
Is it honorable?
Is it just?
Is it pure?
Is it caring?
Is it commendable?
Is it good?
Is it worth sharing?
A PASSIVE mind let’s itself be raped and abused by thoughts that don’t belong there.
Do your thoughts say harsh and cruel things about yourself? Do they say harsh and cruel things about others? Are they full of anger and spite? Are they full of illicit sex? Are they selfish?
If so – chances are good that whatever you LET in your head will eventually come OUT in your life.
Don’t let those kinds of thoughts settle in. Kick them out. Replace them with GOOD thoughts.
Tune in Next Week, for The Perils of Passivity: Watch your mouth!
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February 1, 2018 @ 4:56 am
[…] What you think – you ARE […]