Seven Years of Manlihood
In 2012, I sent this email to some friends. It was about a year later that the site finally launched. Only a few guys submitted articles. It took me awhile to see that the men I had approached supported my vision, but it wasn’t their vision. I couldn’t expect them to do what only I should. And so I’ve taken a bite at a time over the past seven years.
Now, we’ve got thousands of followers across our content channels. I’ve written many blog posts, several books, and recorded a truckload of videos and podcasts.
We’ve held three successful Forge Men’s Weekend events, created a small group curriculum, and hosted all kinds of fun activities and events.
I’ve seen men get their crap together. I’ve seen men survive divorce and the darkest moments of their lives. I’ve seen men restore their marriages. I’ve seen men take their lives back. I’ve seen men discover and explore their faith.
Seven years. The first few were me trying to figure it out. The rest were the start of something big.
And now that something big is here.
Buckle up, men. We’ve got an adventure ahead!