Until July 4, 2021, Manlihood is offering our Stars and Stripes and Don’t Tread Bro patriotic t-shirts and sweatshirts, starting at $17.76
We will NOT be offering these shirts after July 4th – so if you want one, you’ll need to get it now!
Stars and Stripes
These Manlihood Patriotic shirts feature a Stars and Stripes version of our logo, and is available in multiple styles, colors, and garment options, with a basic T-Shirt starting out at $17.76
Don’t Tread on Me Shirt
These Manlihood shirts feature the Gadsden Rattler with the words “Don’t Tread Bro!” on the back!
Don’t miss out on this offer before we pull the plug on the Fourth of July!
After dating for some time, throwing a reception, exchanging your vows and finally getting married, you think it’s going to last forever. Alas, marriage is a fragile and sometimes ephemeral thing. Every man has his forte, and dealing with a divorce might not be the one thing you’re particularly good at. You know that sometimes it’s rather difficult to deal with your feelings, and it gets unimaginably difficult when you add another person’s rollercoaster of emotions to the equation. However, there are a few things you should have in mind that could help you with accepting the whole process and going through it. Here they are.
The past is in the past
When you invest a lot of time and energy into your marriage, and it breaks at one point, it’s normal to start remembering all the wonderful moments you’ve been through together. Nevertheless, you can’t let yourself be stuck in the past, as it won’t help your current situation one tiny bit. You have to be bent on getting the best you can out of it. Think about moving to a place you’ve always wanted to live at, invest some more time into your hobbies, friends, travel someplace new, anything that will positively affect your well-being. It takes time to process everything and remember who you were before your marriage, so try to turn the situation in your favour.
Engage with your kids
If you have kids, you should be reminded that the whole divorce might be taking a heavier toll on them that it is on you. Men tend to be reserved when it comes to opening up and talking about emotions, but you should take a different approach in order to play your role as a father. If you act your part, spend time with them, stay calm and be honest about what’s going on, this exposure to divorce shouldn’t be as difficult as it normally can be. With the help of family lawyers in Sydney, your divorce can go smoothly, and this swift process helps the kids handle the whole situation better. That’s why you should be cooperative and reasonable, which will speed up the process and make it easier for everyone involved.
Be respectful until the end
We all keep some of our emotions under our hats, but there is a limit for a healthy amount of that. If you’ve been repressing a lot of them over many years, divorce might be a stimulus to let them all out. It’s certainly a natural reaction to be angry, bewildered, irritated, and annoyed, but you should be careful as to how you’re releasing those feelings out into the world. Don’t go belittling your spouse, calling her names, or calling her out for something she did. Also, try to keep her private life a secret and forget about revenge or anything of that sort. Mutual respect is a life-saver.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Along the way, many triggers are bound to pop up, and you have to learn to cope with them. Some places, people, or everyday things around you will remind you of your spouse and it could cause all of the previously-experienced emotions to surge out once again. If you feel that you’re not doing well at those instances, think about going to therapy or reading self-help books. As little as a friendly conversation with your dear ones can also go a long way into making you feel better. Things get better over time, but you have to be patient when everything gets dark and gloomy, as that’s an integral part of a divorce.
To conclude
Some things in life can’t be controlled or changed, and everything that’s left at those moments is to learn to accept and adapt to them. Try to slow down with rebounds and a hectic lifestyle that you might regret later, and make sure to slowly start establishing a new life. A post-divorce life is filled with numerous challenges, and the most important thing is to take care of your well-being and work on setting your new life on the right course.
Peter Minkoff is a lifestyle writer at Bond magazine. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Men and Women are different in many aspects of life, and money is no exception. From the way one acquires funds to the spending habits to keeping savings – differences abound. If you think that may not be the case, here are some numbers for you:
Around 31% of American men are thinking about dipping into their retirement funds when the need arises, as opposed to 23% of women.
Only 14% of men would consider downsizing their lifestyle in tough times, opposed to 25% of women.
Men also tend to carry more debt with higher mortgages than women. They also have a higher chance of being late with the mortgage payment.
From these few snippets, it seems that men are prone to risky behavior with their funds. In today’s uncertain economic climate and with the pandemic threatening a variety of jobs, it may be wise to handle money with care. Here are some tips on how to handle your finances in a meaningful way:
Change your mindset
It is not about having enough for food and clothes. You need to change the way you think about money and what it means to you. Be sure to know who you are and what you want to accomplish with money. Focus on positive aspects of life – there are always some. Also, try to visualize the best version of yourself and act upon it.
Create and maintain an emergency fund
If you have not done so already, plan and start creating your emergency fund. All it takes are small steps. Put aside a couple of bucks each day, and it will yield a thousand or more after a year. Also, do not dip into it unless it’s an emergency. Set it up so that it’s not easy to get money from it; that way, you’ll avoid unnecessary spending.
Stop comparing yourself to others
It is nice when we can show our friends how successful we are – with a brand-new car or a larger house. What’s not so great is overspending so much that your signs of success make your budget suffer. Practice living within your means. Don’t let showing off lead you into financial troubles – it’s not worth it.
Do your research
Before you embark on a journey to invest in something important, like a flat or car, do research. Explore all the possibilities and write down the pros and cons of every possible way you can finance your idea. If you are thinking about getting a new vehicle, look for several deals on car loans. Do not take the first one you find – compare them all and see which gives the most value for the buck.
Pay with cash
Today’s economy seems as if it all turned into virtual earnings and spending. Even so, you should still rely on good, hard cash. It gives you a sense of control, unlike a plastic card that seems to have unlimited money. You also get in physical contact with spending and it makes you value your hard-earned cash more.
Track your spending
It is not only the big expenses that influence your budget. The little things often add up. Start tracking your spending, even to the tiniest amount. The idea is to have a clear vision of your expenses and where your money goes. It also helps you get in touch with spending habits that are bad for your budget.
Focus on passive income
If you have a place for rent, you can boost your finances with it. Have an idea for a book or similar artistic product? It also becomes a source of money. It does not have to be a physical thing. Online courses and subscription services can be a great source of passive income, especially with people spending more time indoors.
Peter Minkoff is a lifestyle writer at Bond magazine. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
There’s a strange connection between men and their cars – and this connection is too strong to ignore! But what’s the reason for this occurrence and how did it become so relevant? Back in the day, people considered cars to be a symbol of their status in society and an extension of their personal image. Today, cars are much more than that, and it’s no surprise that lots of men look at them as another member of their family. So, why do men love their cars so much, and what’s behind this obsession?
Feeling like a real man
This might sound like the most general statement in the world, but most guys don’t feel like they’re manly enough unless they’re driving an awesome new car. This has, of course, nothing to do with the way they actually look like, but more with their own impression of themselves, but still. Lots of them feel that women will perceive them as more manly if they’re driving a cool car, which is why they spend tons of money on models that are supposed to attract women. Owning a car makes them feel like a real man, and that’s something you can’t put a price on!
Feeling like they’ve made it in life
No matter what you think about it, being able to afford a car is a sign of success. The price of your car, the model, the type, the size, and everything else is less significant – if you’re able to buy a car, you’re doing something good in your life. This is another reason why men love possessing a new car or at least an expensive one, and they feel like their vehicle is speaking in their stead. It’s telling the world how successful these men are and how much they’ve accomplished in their lives, and that’s why some men don’t mind spending every dollar they have on a brand new vehicle.
Feeling like you can do anything
This is something we all know, regardless of our age and sex – owning a great car makes you feel amazing! The sense of price is something you can’t deny, but the feeling of accomplishment is also important. Owning a car shows that you’re able to do whatever you want to do and invest your money into something that makes sense in the long run. Lots of car owners consider their vehicles to be an investment, so finding a way to quickly sell your car might be a great idea on more levels than one. This will help you secure your financial situation in the future and you’ll get a great price, so you’ll feel amazing and be proud of your abilities to handle your finances!
Feeling like a kid again
Most men spent their childhood playing with toy cars and imagining what it will look like when they grow up and start driving real cars. Well, once that happens, the chances are they’ll still feel like children. It’s all about being able to express your emotions and be free to act in a certain way. Some of them customize their vehicles on their own and express their creativity that way. Others love putting the pedal to the metal and driving as fast as possible. If you act this way as well – don’t worry! It’s all normal and millions of men around the world are doing the same things you are. You’ll love feeling like a child again, and your car is the only possession that can make you feel that way even though you’re a completely grown-up person.
Whether you’re feeling proud that you’re owning a car or think of it as an investment, you can’t deny the fact that you love your vehicle. That’s why you invest so much time spicing it up and making it look unique, so don’t be afraid to continue doing that in the future as well – your car will simply love all the attention you’re giving it!
Peter Minkoff is a lifestyle writer at Bond magazine. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
Whether you’re a morning person or not, you can’t deny the fact that morning is one of the best times of the day! And if you’re feeling fresh, well-rested, and ready to welcome the day ahead of you, even better. But, in order to feel that way, you need to sleep at least seven hours every single night and have a great routine that will help you make the most of your morning. If you’re looking for such a routine yourself, here are a few tips that might help you maximize your morning hours.
Wake up on time
Even though sleeping in and waking up at noon sounds like the best idea in the world, this is actually not the ideal scenario. Different people have different needs when it comes to sleep – it all depends on their age, among other things – and not all of us prefer spending ten hours a night in bed. That’s why finding the right time to wake up is the first step in your perfect morning routine.
Some men love waking up at 6 AM, while others prefer getting out of bed three hours later. Whichever alternative you opt for, though, you need to stick to your wake up time instead of introducing too many changes too often.
Don’t check your phone
This is a common mistake people all over the world are making these days. Just a couple of decades ago, we didn’t have the technology we have today, which is why people didn’t have a smartphone next to their bed. However, today’s generations are addicted to their phones, which is why so many men check their phone immediately after waking up.
Still, just because so many guys out there are acting this way doesn’t mean you have to do that as well. On the contrary, you should remember that checking your phone is one of the worst things you can do in the morning, and this is definitely something that shouldn’t be a part of your morning routine. Instead, you should try stretching, doing yoga, or even going to the bathroom.
Take care of your body
Speaking of going to the bathroom, this is a crucial part of your morning routine. This is the perfect moment to take a shower and take care of your body – from your hair to your skin, every inch of your body deserves constant care if you want to look amazing every day of the week.
Therefore, start looking for the right products that could help you do that as soon as possible. From a great aftershave to a reliable organic dandruff shampoo that will make your hair look better than ever – these simple things are everywhere around us, and using them every single morning is simply a must if you want to look and feel wonderful.
Hit the gym
It doesn’t matter if you want to lose some weight or just wish to get some muscles, joining a gym and going there regularly is one of the best ways to do so. This is also an amazing way to start your morning and make sure you’re in for a productive day.
Working out in the morning comes with a number of benefits, including boosting your activity level, burning more fat, and lowering your blood pressure, so include this activity into your morning routine as well. Of course, you can also opt for other forms of physical activity – cycling, jogging, hiking, or yoga, for instance – in case you’re not a fan of gyms, and the results are pretty much the same.
Once you’ve completed all these things, you’re ready to have an amazing breakfast and finally start your day. Trust us, after such a morning routine, you’ll feel energized and ready to conquer the world!
Peter Minkoff is a lifestyle writer at Bond magazine. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
It doesn’t matter where you’re going and how long you’re staying there – every time you’re going on a business trip, you have to look your best. This is simply the way things work, and in the world of modern business, the way you look defines who you are and how worthy you are. That’s why looking amazing at all times is so crucial, but not all businessmen know how to dress for a business trip and what to take with them. If you’re among these men, here are a few essentials you need to have with you at all times.
A proper bag
This is an item most men already possess, but not all of them are as satisfied with their travel bag as they should be. Keep in mind that choosing a travel bag isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it doesn’t have to be the hardest either. It’s all about defining the proper size, the proper type, and the proper brand – and that’s basically it! Make sure your bag is big enough to fit all your essentials, but still not too big so that it becomes hard to handle. Also, don’t forget to find a bag that’s reliable, strong, and durable, and you’ll be able to use it in the years and decades to come without having to spend extra money on a new one.
The right footwear
This is an item most men generally think they know everything about, but the truth is quite the opposite. With so many different types of footwear out there and lots of styles and combinations, not all shoes are the same, and you have to think twice before deciding which ones you’re going to take on your business trip. You have to take several things into consideration – your comfort, your appearance, and your luggage size – and find the right pair or two that will work for you in different occasions. Once you do that, you’ll have fewer problems packing your stuff and getting ready for your business trip, and that’s a commodity all businessmen value quite a lot.
The best money clip
When you’re a businessman, looking good is one thing, but looking amazing is something completely different. You have to remember that your looks speak for you and if you’re about to meet potential clients, partners, and investors, you have to look your best. That’s why taking care of the details is so important, and those amazing money clips are one of the best ways to take your look to the next level. These stylish money clips for men don’t just look elegant but are also made from high-quality materials, which means you’ll be able to use them for quite a long time.
The strongest portable charger
Even when you’re going away for a day or two, you need to take your phone, your tablet, and your computer with you, and that means you’ll have to think about the battery life on these devices as well. An empty battery is one of the worst things in the world for a businessman, so making sure your phones and computers are always fully-charged is vital. That’s why you need to find one of those portable chargers and take it with you at all times, keeping your electronic devices always fully-charged. Still, not all chargers are the same, and only the strongest one on the market is going to be good enough for you.
An unlimited data plan
This is one of those things you never think of before it’s too late – but if you travel abroad often, you need to have an unlimited data plan all the time. Whether you prefer texting, calling, or browsing the Internet, doing that freely can turn your business trip from average to amazing. So, instead of searching for a free Wi-Fi spot wherever you go, just get an unlimited data plan instead, and you’ll have problems doing whatever you want to do whenever you want.
Your own shaving kit
Most respectable hotels have a tendency to equip your room with the most basic skincare items, including a shaving kit, but do you really want to rely on someone else’s choice when it comes to your own skin? Lots of men have sensitive skin and can, therefore, use only a handful of razors and shavers, and if you’re one of them, the chances are you won’t be satisfied with your hotel’s default choice. So, just take your own shaving kit with you when you’re traveling, or assemble your personal travel shaving kit and you’ll minimize further skin damage wherever you go.
Some of the other travel essentials you need to take into consideration include a great new watch, a shoeshine kit, a lasting deodorant, and a leather belt that will make you look and feel good no matter how tired you are!
Peter Minkoff is a lifestyle writer at Bond magazine. Follow Peter on Twitter for more tips.
ROOF TOP TENT | BY TREELINE OUTDOORS We see plenty of these kinds of outdoor shelters here at MensGear (it´s our job after all) but most tend to be fussy and hard to store. The Rook-Top Tent by Treeline Outdoors ($1,650) is easily stored inside a rooftop box and […]
This is a guest post from Jeremy Edmonds, who is one of our Manlihood.com friends!
At Manlihood.com, we love gadgets and tech, and we love being thrifty! (After all, it’s one of the boy scout laws, right)
Anyway, Jeremy, explains how he got his iPhone REALLY cheap!
How I Paid $37 For My iPhone 5s (Without Selling Out My Friends)
Step right up! Learn the secrets… the mysteries…. the mystique of…. smart money management? But seriously, I’m not here to hype you up or tell you how if you share this on Facebook and get 5,000 likes that you will win a free iPhone. This is my true story of how with a little bit of knowledge, planning, and cunning I paid $37 for my iPhone 5s. Yes, you read that right, do not adjust your internet browser. $37. Here, in short order, are 7 steps you can follow to see similar results.
*results may vary because well it’s up to you!
1. Become A Mini-Techie… Temporarily
First things first, get educated! Now listen, I’m not saying to go buy a pocket protecter, move into your mom’s basement, and learn about the special screwdrivers used to get an iPhone open. Geek certification not required.
Apple has become sadly very predictable because, well the press like it and so do customers. Every year since the inception of the iPhone Apple has released a new model. Until 2011 it was always in the summer (mostly June), and since then it’s always been in the fall (mostly September).
Simple logic dictates that in Late July or early August you better start paying attention. The best way to do that is to tune into Gizmodo. There are a lot of rumors that float around about the next thing concerning the iPhone and they do the best job of discerning the fallacious from the fo’ real and reporting on each with level headed perspective and insight.
As the date of release approaches pay attention to the signs like leaked photos and inventory issues for current models. When you are getting about a month out or less it’s time to start Step 2 (if applicable).
2. Sweet Talk Your Carrier
Not eligible for upgrade? Time to kiss your carrier’s butt. If you have any chance of getting that shiny new brick that lights up when it comes out and not paying $600+ for it you need to be eligible to upgrade. Work your magic. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish, especially if you have a been a customer for several years. A friend of mine miraculously got her upgrade status moved up a whole year, and my parents had their upgrade dates moved from January and March 2014 to September 2013 just mere days after the 5s and 5c release.
Unable to get them to comply or too far off to have any hope? Hang in there, there’s always next fall. Do whatever you can to find consistency. Even if that means going month to month for a while after your contract runs out until the next iPhone release. This will lock you into a sweet spot for upgrades.
Usually 2 weeks before the special press keynote Apple will send out invites confirming the date. You’ll know this of course by following Step 1 and at that moment you’ll need to execute Step 3…
3. Lock It Down
So you’re eligible for upgrade and it’s almost time for the new release? It’s time to lock down the value of your current phone (iPhone or not). iPhones have the highest resale value of all smart phones on the market so they give you a great edge but you can get some good coin for others too. Either way it’s going to help you out.
Go to Gazelle.com and get a quote. Once you get that quote it’s locked in and you have 30 days to ship it. The past two years Gazelle has actually extended this period for iPhones exclusively up to two additional weeks. Whatever phone you’re sending in they’ll send you a prepaid shipping label and even a box to put it in. I’ve successfully down this twice in a row.
So clean that sucker up with some iClean and a microfiber cloth after you’ve got the new one in your hands, and of course don’t forget to wipe your data clean too and restore it to default settings using the tips Gazelle gives you.
4. Stay Up Late (Or Get Up Early)
You’ve locked in your Gazelle quote, and now you know when the iPhone preorder will be as the announcement keynote has just finished. It’s a good thing too because now that the new ones have been announced the old models have now plummeted in value. That 30 day lock in is sweet.
iPhone announcements are usually on Tuesdays and usually go on preorder the Friday after at midnight… Pacific time… which is 3am Eastern. Maybe you already decided before the announcement that you’re going to live on locusts and honey and camp out at your local Apple store for a week or two. Congrats, you are certifiable.
Why? Because you can preorder it from the comfort of your home right on Apple’s website. Sure you may need to stay up late (lucky Californians) or you may need to set an alarm and get up at 2:45am (curses here on the East Coast) to be ready for the 3am shuffle, but it’s a very small price to pay. Stock goes fast and you could be waiting 2 more weeks or months to get the iPhone if you miss it. This would throw off the whole cycle we set up in Step 2.
It only took me 10 minutes to order mine this year. So suck it up!
5. Cover Your (Gl)ass
So you preordered and now it’s arrived. After backing up your old phone, restoring the new one from the backup, and sending the old one in to Gazelle you are now the owner of a lovely new very breakable iPhone. You need to protect that puppy if you want to retain its value.
Enter Otterbox. They have some of the best cases on the market. I owned my 4S for two years and dropped it somewhere around a couple hundred times. It never got scratched, dinged or broken. Even if you drop it in water they’ve got that covered too.
Otterbox has stupendous customer service (even Dave Ramsey likes them) and their warranty is awesome so even if it breaks you can follow their simple steps to get a quick replacement, even for the included screen protector!
6. Go The Distance
Discipline pays off. The tortoise always wins the race. Sound familiar? Listen, you can buy a new iPhone every year but it’snot worth it. You may have heard of AT&T Next, Verizon Edge and those other guys’ similar programs. But guess what? It doesn’t pay. Stick with your phone for the full contract. Maybe these programs will be better down the road, but right now they are a gimmick.
7. Rinse and Repeat
You’ve done it! It’s almost two years later and you are ramping up again for the next model. This is the time when you will reap the full fruits of your labor and it’s at this point both times that I paid so little for my new iPhones. Start at Step 1, continue through the steps, and reap the rewards of this saving cycle. Congratulations!
Who is Jeremy?
• Entrepreneur with 3 years of professional coaching experience.
• Helps coach individuals and couples from all backgrounds and financial situations.
• Member of Counselor Connections, an elite global mastermind group for financial coaches
• Member of My Money Wellness (www.mymoneywellness.com), an elite group of coaches serving communities and businesses
• Dave Ramsey approved locally referred coach for western CT
Jeremy’s Background:
Like many young married couples, Jeremy and his wife believed they were skilled in handling their personal finances. After 2 years of marriage, they realized their consumer debt had accumulated and too much each month was being sent out the door just to cover the minimum payments. Not happy with their situation, they started to be intentional with money and were able to eliminate all of their consumer debt in under a year. This newfound peace in finances affected all areas of their life and is what ignited Jeremy’s passion to help others begin their own journey to finding the peace of mind that comes with taking control of your money and living with a plan for the future.
In 2011, he launched his independent coaching business, Strength In Numbers, and has since partnered with hundreds of individuals to help them dump debt and build wealth. He continues today with new vision and mission to reach as many people possible with life changing education and a hope for a better future.
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Creek Stewart of Willow Haven Outdoor. I don’t remember my first kiss or even who it was with. I can barely recollect getting my license to drive. I vaguely remember my high school graduation and my entire time spent at college […]