I remember the moment when I found out that my wife was not only pregnant with one child- but with TWINS. (Those twins were born on our one year wedding anniversary – which was the Fourth of July – they’ll be 16 this summer!)
It was one of the scariest and most exciting moments of my life. There was no air in that little exam room when the nurse swung around the ultrasound machine, and I saw two little lumps of love on the screen.
Being a dad has been the most rewarding thing I’ve done in this life. I hope that when I die – and people talk about me, the first thing they say is, “He was such a good dad.”
I know I’ve not been a perfect father – but I am proud of how my kids are turning out. Sometimes because of me and sometimes in spite of me.
Kids need their dads to Be Involved. This means so many things – not the least of which is conversation. Have a conversation with your kids every day. Ask about their day, about their school, about their homework.
When they are too young to talk? Talk to them anyway!
(Note – Mom needs you to be involved too – change diapers, clean up messes, rock babies to sleep)
Play games, build towers, dig holes, wrestle in the floor, and jump in leaves.
Kids love and need to have fun with Dad. Be sure to include Mom in this nonsense. She might say she doesn’t have time for such things – but she needs them too!
Kids need you to be involved in the not so fun stuff too – discipline – correction – punishment.
Dad, you really need to take the LEAD in these things – rather than just ignore them and leave them for Mom to do!
Tune in Next Week, for Welcome To Daddyhood: Be Pro-Active
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