general manliness

Duck Tape (duct tape) Manhood
Yesterday I had to give my pet duck away. I needed to seal go the box and grabbed a roll of Duck Tape brand duct tape… and sent him off to his new home.
Duct tape is a powerful substance that can fix anything. I’m most enamored though, by its endurance.
In the past year, I have watched several men’s endurance be stretched and snap… as they walk away from commitments they should be keeping. Lots of excuses and blame-shifting… which they would say are valid reasons… and to be fair… I am not them, and I am not in a position to judge. What I will say, is that it makes me think a lot about the “sticky” men that I know… and what I can learn from them.
1. Love is always a choice.
You don’t fall in or out of it.. you choose to do it.
2. I am wrong.
No one ever wants to say or think it. But the truth is… we are often the source of the problem. When is the last time you were wrong? Did you communicate that with genuine regret? Did you make it right?
3. I make my own path.
Sure you do. So make sure you are going the right way on it. The right way usually is the hardest.
4. Emotions are not guides.
They are gauges that measure your attitude and direction. Pick your path on principle, not feelings. Don’t “follow your heart” because sometimes it lies.