Episode 4: The Starting Line – Getting on the track
It’s so easy sometimes to get derailed. One candy bar, and that strict eating plan gets thrown out the window. A short skirted co-worker bends over to pick up a paperclip, and your mind heads down a path it never should. One negative word from your wife, and all the progress you’ve made at controlling your anger is tossed out the window.
How do we move forward when we’ve lost our momentum?
The answer is simple. Forgive yourself for your screw up. Seek forgiveness from anyone you’ve hurt Then move forward. Don’t look back. Don’t bring it up. Don’t let it derail you any longer. Move forward.
You can do this. Whatever race you are running, it matters. If you are a better man, the world is a better place. Your place in it matters. So don’t let your own failures keep you from that.
If you want to be a better man – check out our website – Manlihood.com – for blogs, videos, and more from our Manlihood Team. Men, you can also join our private facebook group- Manlihood ManCave -where you can meet up with a band of brothers who will challenge you and help you on your journey of manhood.
This episode is produced by Hatcher Media for Manlihood.com
Our Manly theme music is from Austin Stirling and also from Mark Kroos.
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