Happy 11th Anniversary Manlihood!
11 years ago, I launched Manlihood.com
I was struggling myself to fully understand my purpose. My marketing business was struggling, and I was looking for work. I was struggling to show up well as a husband and father.
And I had just recently started to turn the corner and head in the right direction.
In a moment of crisis I had pulled out a little leather journal and written down all of the important things in my life that I knew were true about me.
Even in my darkest spots, I’ve been a mentor. I’ve been a guide. I’ve been a helper.
People tend to ask me for advice, whether I want them to or not.
And somehow, even when I’m not following my own advice, I often have good advice.
I was raised by a great father who spent his life investing his wisdom. I wanted to make sure I had the opportunity to pass that along to others who didn’t have that.
I had a unique set of skills as a writer, a designer, a broadcaster, that I knew I could use to make a difference.
I used to be a youth leader. And a lot of the young men that I had led as youth were in trouble. Addiction. Crime. Suicide. Divorce. Abuse.
I felt a calling to help make a difference.
And now, 11 years later, we’ve got a men’s movement making a difference in the world.
It’s certainly not all about me.
I said, “Ok. I’ll do it.”
I put in a lot of time and effort.
But what makes Manlihood Great is all of YOU. Thank you!