Heather Nielsen of Fight The Beast
She’s creating what she calls “The Opposite of OnlyFans” – a movement to help guys break free from porn addiction. But her story is incredibly personal. Heather Nielsen of FighttheBeast.org is the guest on today’s Manlihood ManCast
Heather took up the cause to help men get free from addiction, creating videos on TikTok and instagram where she shares advice and encouragement for men to get free from the grip of porn. Those videos have been seen by millions.
She’s an activist, speaker, entrepreneur, and single mom of three. What prompted her to take up role of the “no fap” crusader? She talks with Josh Hatcher about the heartbreaking story that motivated her to fight for change.
She’s researched this topic thoroughly and has some excellent perspectives and advice to help men see what they can do to FIGHT THE BEAST.
Fight the Beast: https://fightthebeast.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fightthebeast.org/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/fightthebeastorg
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiJQh2DHSWirx9C7glAzMAQ