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Josh Hatcher

Josh Hatcher is the founder of , and is a poet, author, speaker, musician, and owns a creative marketing solutions company, Hatcher Media. Get Josh's Books at the Manlihood Store or Amazon.


  1. David Mike
    February 12, 2014 @ 8:21 pm

    Great video! Cool talk about “Men”torship. I work with 100 women all day, men are pretty scarce.

    • Josh Hatcher
      February 13, 2014 @ 2:28 am

      Haha. Yeah. Women are AWESOME! But we men have to stick together!

      When I worked at a long distance company, I was in a department with mostly women. They kept getting pregnant – and I would tease them about delivering their babies in the breakroom.
      But really – I just had to break all the estrogen-induced tension in the room!

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