Men, You Matter. A Manifesto.
Men. If you listen to the narrative that is being slowly woven into the cultural landscape, you’ll hear that you don’t matter. That your masculinity is irrelevant and unnecessary.
I need you to hear me clearly.
In your DNA is a hard-coded desire to lead, to create, to fight, to provide, to give and receive honor.

We need to boldly reject the notion that these tenets of masculinity are cultural.
Certainly, there are cultural norms and expectations. And our constantly churning sense of cultural values has muddied that for us.
It looks like a smoothie made with creek water.
But there is an innate desire in the bones of a man – to seek virtue, to lead, to love, to conquer, to adventure, to solve, to improve ourselves and those around us. (Surely, some of these things are in women, too.)
Men are dangerous.
While I love the Jordan Peterson discussion about “good men are dangerous” – I’m speaking about something different here. Men are dangerous to folks who want to rule with nefarious intent. Men are dangerous to systems that want to oppress. Men are dangerous to political and philosophical systems that enslave people. Why? Because men crave justice.
I believe that what has happened in our culture is an intentional attempt to make men feel useless, to beat down the innate courage and resistance of men, and replace it with docile compliance or at least with fattened, numbed, porn’d, and dissolutioned men who don’t step up and do what is in their very nature today.
We are not victims here.
While I’m clearly painting a picture of a villainous entity, I can’t exactly give that entity a name. It’s not just one philosophy or strategy (it’s easy to blame Marxism or “woke-ism”).
I think there are certainly outside forces that want men to be weak and docile.
I also think the bigger enemy is our own apathy… Our own discouragement.
If we were truly at war with Marxism and Woke-ism (or whatever other philosophy or force), we really have already lost.
No, we are at war with our own indifference.
It’s time to rise up.
We start by taking responsibility – which is the first pillar of manhood.
The world won’t change until I change.
Wake up, you sleepers.
Let’s show the world what a good man looks like.
Let’s show our families what an engaged and loving father looks like.
Let’s show our wives what a dedicated and committed husband looks like.
Let’s show our neighborhoods what a good neighbor looks like.
Let’s show the father-less what a good father looks like.
That’s what changes the world.
Dedicated men, willing to fight off their own temptations, their own demons, and willing to lead and love and serve.