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The solution for every man

who wants to get his fire back

is right here.

It’s simple.

Not easy.


It’s not antidepressants or anxiety or ADHD meds. 
It’s not the power of “positive thinking”
It’s not a gimmick.
It’s not a coach yelling at you to “toughen up” or “be more alpha.”

Any of those things might be a part of your process. But in and of themselves, they are just another wet log putting a damper on the fire.

Have you ever felt numb or dead inside? There’s this sense of urgency and pressure that says you have to be a provider, and a leader to your family, but there’s just this deep well of despair and doubt. You’ve tried and tried to be the man they need, but you’re sick of trying. Your marriage, your kids, your job, your friendships have all grown cold. And you’ve grown cold to them.

Stop. Do you hear that?


It’s that CALL– a voice on the wind. You know it, because you’ve heard it before, and done everything you can to shut it out.

Numbed your brain with booze, porn, video games, cheetos, or whatever so that you don’t have to hear it anymore.

You know deep down inside that this is not how it has to be.

That there is more to this life

that  your wife and your kids and YOU
were meant to have a better life than this.

That CALL is why I wrote this book, why I poured my life into this mission. I heard it too, and I tried to shut it out too, and I missed out on so much. I want you to read every freaking word of this.. I want you to see you find the freedom, the hope, the passion that I have found. 

I was just like you

Sometimes I’m still like you.

But on my journey, I found my spark. I found my flame. And my life will never be the same. I want you to come with me.

My Fire Went Out

I was a mess. I was 430 pounds. I hadn’t showered in days. I would sleep from 3AM until 10AM, and then sit at my laptop in my bedroom trying to work on my business from 11AM to 3AM. For all of that work, I wasn’t making money. I wasn’t getting things done.

I was snapping at my wife. We weren’t having much sex, and if we did, I can’t imagine she was enjoying it. Who would want to make love to a 430 pound smelly slob? 

We weren’t close. She had been at home with the kids, and now she was cleaning doctor’s houses to try to make enough cash to buy groceries. I was just trying to keep my clients from suing me.  


Sick and Tired

I was literally exhausted and in pain all the time. My feet hurt. My back hurt. My head hurt.
And it was everyone else’s fault. It was my last boss who laid me off.
It was “the system” that kept people in poverty.
It was “God” who wasn’t keeping His promises to bless me.
It was everyone’s fault but mine.


No Respect

My kids didn’t respect me. They didn’t listen to me unless I screamed and scared them.That’s the only way I could get them to listen. I was embedding seeds of fear and anxiety in them because the only tool I had to keep them in line was volume. I had blunted the edge of every other tool with my laziness and distraction. 

I could feel the growing resentment and pain in my wife.
I heard a man say once, “You can tell a lot about the character of a man from the face of his wife.”
My wife looked tired. She looked angry. She looked like she would have been better off without me. 

My friends had mostly written me off. They had tried to tell me that I needed to take responsibility… that I needed to get healthy… that I needed to get a job… that I needed to take care of my family. And I would let their words dribble down like rain off a duck. They stopped trying to help. Behind my back, I became a joke… a cautionary tale… They all gave up on me.   



My wife had enough. “I promised to be with you forever,” she said, “but you don’t have to make it so damn hard.”

My wife was a Sunday School teacher. She never swore.
I knew she was hurt, and she was mad.

I had a flashback to the man she married and fell in love with.

He had worked in the stone quarry and sawmill all summer, and was muscled up and lean. He was a leader, a young man with a passion and a vision. He was going to start a record label. He was going to write songs and publish them. He was a talented and passionate young man who knew what he wanted out of life. 

And in front of her was a fat slob who acted like everyone owed him.


Nobody else can fix you.

The only way I could be a better man was to change. And there was no one to help me, because I’d pushed them all away.

With my wife’s curse word echoing in my brain, I started on a journey to fix myself.
I didn’t want to go back to the man she married, I wanted to be better. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I wanted to be the best father I could for my kids. I wanted to rise up out of the ashes and burn bright again.

For the past decade, I’ve fought to be the man that I needed to be. I’m certainly not perfect, but there’s progress.

My wife trusts me.
My kids respect me.
I have a good job.
I’ve lost 100 pounds, and am staying healthy.
I’m better at task and time management.

I’m not trying to peddle you some “lost secrets” that men need to know.
I’m just telling you what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve learned from men smarter than me.

A lot of men have poured their wisdom and guidance into my life. When I was finally ready to apply it, my life has changed dramatically. I want to share with you what I’ve learned from them.

But only you can do it. This resource won’t fix you. I can’t fix you. Your wife can’t change you. Only you can make the decision to fix yourself.


It’s time to Reignite

Now is the time. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to light the match and let the old you burn. It’s time to be who you were always meant to be, and to stop settling for a life of frustration and struggle.

Let’s do this. I’ve written this resource for you, because I want to help men make their lives better. I want to see men freed from their own chains. I want to see men rise up and embrace who they were meant to be. Every word on the pages of this resource is an investment. I’m investing my life in the task of helping men.

Not only through resources like this, but I meet regularly with small groups of men, host retreats for men, counsel men and give advice. It’s what I’m here to do – to help and serve men who want to make their lives better.

Where would I be if no one had invested in me?
Where would I be if I hadn’t invested in myself?

My investments in myself will continue. My investments in others will continue.
But are you ready to invest in yourself?


This path is not for everyone

Some guys will never change.
Not because they can’t. But because they won’t.

You may be the guy reading this who loves to pick everything apart. Not the studious industrious kid who takes his toys apart to see how they work and then puts them back together, or makes a new toy out of the parts. 

To quote Heath Ledger’s Joker, “Some men want to watch the world burn.”


Some of you have let your fire go out, and instead of trying to get it back, you’ve built a life bent and twisted into attacking everyone else’s fire. Do you know that guy? Don’t be that guy. He’s not going to get anything out of this book, or any book for that matter. He’s a villain.

Don’t buy this book if:

  • You want to live rent free in your mom’s basement for the rest of your life.
  • You are unwilling to admit that you’ve been wrong.
  • You can’t take responsibility for your change.
  • You enjoy being a victim.
  • You already “know everything”


  • If you are willing to be honest with yourself
  • If you are open to correction
  • If you are willing to be thought of as “the crazy one” when you make a change in your life
  • You are SICK of your life being stuck in the same old place

…then YOU are the ones that I wrote REIGNITE for.


People spend thousands of dollars…

…to attend fancy seminars and retreats where some rich dude rakes in the cash telling you that you too can be rich and successful like him.


I’m not about that life. This is not one of those things.

I could probably charge thousands if I packaged this into one of those fancy seminars.


But I’d rather help people.

I’d rather offer you the REIGNITE package at a price you can afford, so that you can experience the freedom that I experienced.


The solution for every man

who wants to get his fire back

is right here.

It’s simple.

Not easy.


It’s not antidepressants or anxiety or ADHD meds. 
It’s not the power of “positive thinking”
It’s not a gimmick.
It’s not a coach yelling at you to “toughen up” or “be more alpha.”

Any of those things might be a part of your process. But in and of themselves, they are just another wet log putting a damper on the fire.

Have you ever felt numb or dead inside? There’s this sense of urgency and pressure that says you have to be a provider, and a leader to your family, but there’s just this deep well of despair and doubt. You’ve tried and tried to be the man they need, but you’re sick of trying. Your marriage, your kids, your job, your friendships have all grown cold. And you’ve grown cold to them.

Stop. Do you hear that?


It’s that CALL– a voice on the wind. You know it, because you’ve heard it before, and done everything you can to shut it out.

Numbed your brain with booze, porn, video games, cheetos, or whatever so that you don’t have to hear it anymore.

You know deep down inside that this is not how it has to be.

That there is more to this life

that  your wife and your kids and YOU
were meant to have a better life than this.

That CALL is why I wrote this book, why I poured my life into this mission. I heard it too, and I tried to shut it out too, and I missed out on so much. I want you to read every freaking word of this.. I want you to see you find the freedom, the hope, the passion that I have found. 

I was just like you

Sometimes I’m still like you.

But on my journey, I found my spark. I found my flame. And my life will never be the same. I want you to come with me.

My Fire Went Out

I was a mess. I was 430 pounds. I hadn’t showered in days. I would sleep from 3AM until 10AM, and then sit at my laptop in my bedroom trying to work on my business from 11AM to 3AM. For all of that work, I wasn’t making money. I wasn’t getting things done.

I was snapping at my wife. We weren’t having much sex, and if we did, I can’t imagine she was enjoying it. Who would want to make love to a 430 pound smelly slob? 

We weren’t close. She had been at home with the kids, and now she was cleaning doctor’s houses to try to make enough cash to buy groceries. I was just trying to keep my clients from suing me.  


Sick and Tired

I was literally exhausted and in pain all the time. My feet hurt. My back hurt. My head hurt.
And it was everyone else’s fault. It was my last boss who laid me off.
It was “the system” that kept people in poverty.
It was “God” who wasn’t keeping His promises to bless me.
It was everyone’s fault but mine.


No Respect

My kids didn’t respect me. They didn’t listen to me unless I screamed and scared them.That’s the only way I could get them to listen. I was embedding seeds of fear and anxiety in them because the only tool I had to keep them in line was volume. I had blunted the edge of every other tool with my laziness and distraction. 

I could feel the growing resentment and pain in my wife.
I heard a man say once, “You can tell a lot about the character of a man from the face of his wife.”
My wife looked tired. She looked angry. She looked like she would have been better off without me. 

My friends had mostly written me off. They had tried to tell me that I needed to take responsibility… that I needed to get healthy… that I needed to get a job… that I needed to take care of my family. And I would let their words dribble down like rain off a duck. They stopped trying to help. Behind my back, I became a joke… a cautionary tale… They all gave up on me.   



My wife had enough. “I promised to be with you forever,” she said, “but you don’t have to make it so damn hard.”

My wife was a Sunday School teacher. She never swore.
I knew she was hurt, and she was mad.

I had a flashback to the man she married and fell in love with.

He had worked in the stone quarry and sawmill all summer, and was muscled up and lean. He was a leader, a young man with a passion and a vision. He was going to start a record label. He was going to write songs and publish them. He was a talented and passionate young man who knew what he wanted out of life. 

And in front of her was a fat slob who acted like everyone owed him.


Nobody else can fix you.

The only way I could be a better man was to change. And there was no one to help me, because I’d pushed them all away.

With my wife’s curse word echoing in my brain, I started on a journey to fix myself.
I didn’t want to go back to the man she married, I wanted to be better. I wanted to be the man she deserved. I wanted to be the best father I could for my kids. I wanted to rise up out of the ashes and burn bright again.

For the past decade, I’ve fought to be the man that I needed to be. I’m certainly not perfect, but there’s progress.

My wife trusts me.
My kids respect me.
I have a good job.
I’ve lost 100 pounds, and am staying healthy.
I’m better at task and time management.

I’m not trying to peddle you some “lost secrets” that men need to know.
I’m just telling you what I’ve experienced, and what I’ve learned from men smarter than me.

A lot of men have poured their wisdom and guidance into my life. When I was finally ready to apply it, my life has changed dramatically. I want to share with you what I’ve learned from them.

But only you can do it. This resource won’t fix you. I can’t fix you. Your wife can’t change you. Only you can make the decision to fix yourself.


It’s time to Reignite

Now is the time. It’s time to make a change. It’s time to light the match and let the old you burn. It’s time to be who you were always meant to be, and to stop settling for a life of frustration and struggle.

Let’s do this. I’ve written this resource for you, because I want to help men make their lives better. I want to see men freed from their own chains. I want to see men rise up and embrace who they were meant to be. Every word on the pages of this resource is an investment. I’m investing my life in the task of helping men.

Not only through resources like this, but I meet regularly with small groups of men, host retreats for men, counsel men and give advice. It’s what I’m here to do – to help and serve men who want to make their lives better.

Where would I be if no one had invested in me?
Where would I be if I hadn’t invested in myself?

My investments in myself will continue. My investments in others will continue.
But are you ready to invest in yourself?


This path is not for everyone

Some guys will never change.
Not because they can’t. But because they won’t.

You may be the guy reading this who loves to pick everything apart. Not the studious industrious kid who takes his toys apart to see how they work and then puts them back together, or makes a new toy out of the parts. 

To quote Heath Ledger’s Joker, “Some men want to watch the world burn.”


Some of you have let your fire go out, and instead of trying to get it back, you’ve built a life bent and twisted into attacking everyone else’s fire. Do you know that guy? Don’t be that guy. He’s not going to get anything out of this book, or any book for that matter. He’s a villain.

Don’t buy this book if:

  • You want to live rent free in your mom’s basement for the rest of your life.
  • You are unwilling to admit that you’ve been wrong.
  • You can’t take responsibility for your change.
  • You enjoy being a victim.
  • You already “know everything”


  • If you are willing to be honest with yourself
  • If you are open to correction
  • If you are willing to be thought of as “the crazy one” when you make a change in your life
  • You are SICK of your life being stuck in the same old place

…then YOU are the ones that I wrote REIGNITE for.


People spend thousands of dollars…

…to attend fancy seminars and retreats where some rich dude rakes in the cash telling you that you too can be rich and successful like him.


I’m not about that life. This is not one of those things.

I could probably charge thousands if I packaged this into one of those fancy seminars.


But I’d rather help people.

I’d rather offer you the REIGNITE package at a price you can afford, so that you can experience the freedom that I experienced.






Some folks love to have a physical book in their hands.
I’ve made REIGNITE available via paperback here.


This price is not guaranteed after today.

I’ve set an affordable price for this book. But I’m constantly testing the effectiveness and analytics.  The price of this book is based on a number of factors including advertising rates and production costs. I’ll be adjusting it based on the results of the ad spends and conversion rates.
That might sound like mumbo jumbo, but the bottom line is:

If you decide you’re going to leave and come back later to buy it – chances are good that the price will go up.  The ideal time to but it is now.

Act now and you’ll get this bonus offer!

This price is not guaranteed after today.

I’ve set an affordable price for this book. But I’m constantly testing the effectiveness and analytics.  The price of this book is based on a number of factors including advertising rates and production costs. I’ll be adjusting it based on the results of the ad spends and conversion rates.
That might sound like mumbo jumbo, but the bottom line is:

If you decide you’re going to leave and come back later to buy it – chances are good that the price will go up.  The ideal time to but it is now.

Act now and you’ll get this bonus offer!

REIGNITE: Marriage Secrets ebook

Have you lost the spark in your relationship?
No one stands up in front of all of their friends and says, “Till Death do us part” with the intention of letting it all fall apart. And yet, all too often – they do let it fall apart.

If marriage is a fire that has started to go out – this is your opportunity to pick up the pieces, stack it so it gets the air and fuel it needs, and reignite that bonfire to burn bright again.

REIGNITE: Marriage Secrets ebook

Have you lost the spark in your relationship?
No one stands up in front of all of their friends and says, “Till Death do us part” with the intention of letting it all fall apart. And yet, all too often – they do let it fall apart.

If marriage is a fire that has started to go out – this is your opportunity to pick up the pieces, stack it so it gets the air and fuel it needs, and reignite that bonfire to burn bright again.

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